Web Tools - New Ones Posted Here

Here are new production tools - check back often!

Creating Characters
View more presentations from S. Hendy.



Zoho Polls - http://polls.zoho.com/


MyStudiyo - Fun Quiz-Maker to make a quiz about your project 

Here is one about technology:


Slide Rocket - Online PowerPoint presentations





Copyright Available Images - http://digitalmediaresources.wikispaces.com/Image+Resources

Royalty Free Songs (but downloads cost money) http://www.audiomicro.com/royalty-free-stock-music.html

New Meta- Search Tool (I love it!)



Zoho Polls - http://polls.zoho.com/


MyStudiyo - Fun Quiz-Maker to make a quiz about your project 

Here is one about technology:


Slide Rocket - Online PowerPoint presentations