Turkey: About this Country by the Students from Turkey

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Hello everyone!!! I'm Erdem from Alanya,TURKEY.This is my avatar. Isn't it crazy :)





     Turkey is divided into 7 geographical regions: The Black Sea Region,The Marmara Region,The Aegean Region,The Mediterranean Region,The Central Anatolia Region,The Eastern Anatolia Region,The Southeastern Anatolia Region.





 In this video you see the photos of Istanbul which is one of the metropolises of Turkey. It was the capital city of Ottoman Empire in the past so, There are lots of historical buildings and monuments there. It is also famous with its Bosphorus.





This video is introducing Aegean Region in the west of Turkey,showing the scenes of the coasts and the historical buildings.



I have tried to show you some beautiful views from the Black Sea Region of Turkey.In time ı will give you lots of information about local culture and life style in this area.


  Horon is a dance by means of which Black Sea's rough waves are symbolically displayed. Life in the region of Black Sea is bound to mainly the sea.So it is inluence on local people is visible in music,dance,food,lifestyle and even on their moods...


     'Horon' music is played by 'kemenche' bottle-shaped, 3-stringed type of rebec or fiddle from the Black Sea region of  Turkey. The Horon is generally danced by a chain of either men or women who form a line or semi-circle. Also,it is said that these movement are  derived from the shimmying of the little silver anchovy fish ( Turkish: Hamsi ).


      When you watch the video below showing the 'Horon' dance, you will see that it looks like Irish Jig or the River Dance.It is most probably due to the influnce of this Anotolian dance throughout the history on the emigrants who emigrated the Holy Land through Anatolia. Long sea journeys and merchant exchanges may be the other reasons of this inluence.









Turkey is a country which is surrounded by three seas.Mediterranean Region has got the longest beaches. These sandy beaches are very popular with the tourists.