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                                             To learn more about soccer.

                                             How many people  are on a team.

                                             How old is soccer.

                                             Who invented soccer.

                                             What country is soccer from. 

                                                           SOCCER FACTS

  • There is 11 players on the field at the same time but the amount on a team depends on the league
  • The objective of soccer is to have the most goals by the end of the game
  • No one knows exactly who invented soccer but it was first played in ancient China.
  • Soccer first came around in the 16th century. 


        Soccer is a wonderful national sport. Most countries around the world play soccer. But in European countries it's not called soccer its called fut'bol.  Not many people know this but soccer was first played in ancient China, around the 16th century.  In soccer you have 11 players on the field and mostly they run around trying to kick the ball in the other teams goal! It is a very challenging game to play, most teams are lucky if they get two or three goals in a game. 


Adults playing Soccer!!!

Kids Playing Soccer!!!! 











         Just plain cool!!!!!!




















Matt said

at 12:01 pm on Sep 28, 2009

nice m and m pic

Matthew said

at 11:41 am on Oct 26, 2009

wow im doing a great job!!!

Clare said

at 12:54 pm on Nov 16, 2009

hey matt- can you delete the little purple box that says (use this space to make notes and blah blah bah) on you timeline? -carrots

Kia said

at 5:26 pm on Nov 21, 2009

WOAH! SOCCER WAS FIRST PLAYED IN CHINA? wow i did not know that

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