
About the Author




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Project Name

(What is the name of your project?)





(Be specific what you want to learn.)



Links - Search


Title of Website:Skulls 


URL Address:


Description of Website; They will find different kinds of skulls mammals, and other skulls.


Overall Rating; 35points.

























Title of website;skulls


URL address


Description of website;They will learn about skulls.


Over all rating;31 points




(List all of the links that will help you learn about this topic.  Provide the link and a brief description.)

  1. Evaluate the website using the  Website Investigator Tool:  Website Investigator Tool.pdf
  2. Write your description using the Creative Web Tools For and By Kids using the following Word Document:  CreativeToolsKidsLinks.doc
  3. Copy and paste your description here.
  4. Make your hperlink active - add a photo from the site, if you desire.


Search Wordie 


Interview with an Expert

Contact an expert and conduct an interview.  Do the interview with


Decide What Tool You Will Use To Demonstrate What You Learned



Brainstorm ideas for presenting your learning: