
Reptiles Project

Page history last edited by Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. 15 years, 9 months ago

About the Author(s)

                                                 This is kind of me, Makena!

                                                  I love video games, I have short hair,

                                                  and I like black shirts, and ripped


Project Name


Amazing Facts About Reptiles






I love reptiles! I wanted to know more about some of the coolest reptiles.

I would like to learn specificly about:

  •  Komodo Dragons

  •  Zebra-Tailed Lizard

  •  Whiptailed Lizards

  •  Night Snakes

  •  Ridged Nosed Rattlesnake

  •  Crocodiles/Aligators

  •  Poison Dart Frog

  •  Boa Constrictors

  •  Gila Monsters

  •  Leopard Gecko

  •  Sea Turtles

  •  Desert Tortises

  •  Iguana

  •  Moniter Lizard

  • Water and Sea Snake




I would recomend learning about:


  • Crocodiles
  • Aligators
  • LeatherBack SeaTurtles
  • Leopard Gecko                                               




Links - Search 




  1. Evaluate the website using the  Website Investigator Tool:  Website Investigator Tool.pdf
  2. Write your description using the Creative Web Tools For and By Kids using the following Word Document:  CreativeToolsKidsLinks.doc
  3. Copy and paste your description here.
  4. Make your hperlink active - add a photo from the site, if you desire.

Search Wordie


 Interview with an Expert

Contact an expert and conduct an interview.  Do the interview with

  • video (using a video conferencing tool), OR
  • audio (to make a podcast), OR
  • an email or im transcript.


Decide What Tool You Will Use To Demonstrate What You Learned


Check out the quiz I made (above) using studiyo.com!

What I've Learned




I have learned that the night snakes are only poisonas to animals. If you happen to see one, you'd better do something before you let your pets outside! If you get bit by a rattlesnake, you may need medical help! The Gila Monsters and Komodo Dragons have poisonas saliva that can cause skin disease! Gila monsters can be here, where I live, in Arizona. But Komodo Dragons are found in places like Austrailia. Reptiles can be found almost anywhere you go. Lizards can scurry across a feild, snakes can coil themselves around a tree, there are many places. I find them in my own backyard every day. I feed them all the time. The lizards I find at home, can be found in California, and Arizona. Thats where I have normally seen them anyway... but they are plain old blue bellies, and yellow necks. I have learned that those aren't poisonas. I have also learned about various animals by doing a lot of research on my computer. I have put a few of the sites up closer to the top of this page, and I do agree that they do help. you can also look in the google tool bar and try to look up some of these animals. Or ask.com,  yahoo.com, google.com, or what ever you have or would like to try. Please take my quiz with the light green border after looking up my list of animals I would be adored to learn about! Please comment this page, and have fun searching! 





I have learned that the Gila Monster can grow up to 2 feet (0.6meters) in length. Thats big for some animals. The Gila Monster is my 2nd favorite reptile that I know of. My favorite reptile is the KOMODO DRAGON!!!!!!! It is the best reptile in the world. Do you know what the real for snakes, because I do. It's called the disambiguation.

Brainstorm ideas for presenting your learning:

I was thinking maybe an our story, showing when I looked up what! Or I could make an

animated movie showing Colin and I on the computer as a team, working together

to find infromation and stuff we need. Maybe he has some other ideas. Lets see

what we pick below!







Comments (3)

drew said

at 12:57 pm on Sep 8, 2008

This is an awesome project Ms.Jackie

makena said

at 1:31 pm on Dec 1, 2008

Duuude! Check out this site!

makena said

at 1:22 pm on Jan 5, 2009

This is my project! Hi! I am makena, and colin is helping me with this project.

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