This is me in Unity World.QA has different worlds.I am at the All About Me School.The person next to me is a student and just to let you know, he's in one of the missions.My person's name is Disle.On the side is my Q-pod where I can read my missions and messages.On the bottom is where I can chat with all the other questers.Also if you get stuck during a mission,you can ask other questers who have done that mission. I have to ask another person sometimes for help.
Here's a short movie I made.It's a girl telling her cousin about Quest Atlantis.
Part 2 of my movie.Her cousin likes QA!
Here's a video I found on Youtube. It's an interveiw with a few kids about Quest Atlantis
Quest Atlantis is really cool.You go to the lost city of Atlantis and do missions.The missions can help the people in Atlantis.You can chat with other people and the missions are hard but really fun.
Most Exciting Parts:
The most exciting parts are when you earn something.You earn cols and lumins,they're like money.You have to earn your clothes too.Your teacher can send you clothes or cols if they think you've earned it.
Least Exciting Parts:
I don't think there are any parts on QA that are not very fun or exciting.
How QA could be used in class:
QA can be educational.The missions can teach about respect,how to be responsible and how to solve problems with friends or other students.You also have to use your brain to solve the missions.
Quests You'd like to see:
The quest I'd like to see are quest where you can not only earn lumins,but also earn cols.Then you wouldn't have to keep getting jobs.
Here is a link to a website that tells you all about QA. Your teacher has to sign up to sign you up.Thats what Ms.Jackie did.She went through training on QA for us.Or you can sign up as a guest.This is where you can download QA onto your computer.It has a few videos about QA.
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