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Page history
last edited
by nataliel 15 years, 5 months ago
Project Name
1. Types of Photography
2. Famous Photographers
3. How to use light and contrast
to enhance images(over and under
4. Still and moving objects.
5. The best ways to take pictures. (Tips)
The website above was very useful. There are good, and intresting tips to help with simple, or even abstract images. My rating was:30. I would recomend this website if you need some tips to make your pictures better.
Types of Photography:
Aerial |
From a plane, helicopter, balloon or other airborne device. |
Adventure, Action |
Adventure sports, daring feats, etc. |
Amateur |
Any type of photography practiced by non-professionals. |
Animal, Pet |
Pets and their relationships with humans. Note that the human content is often as important as the animal. |
Architecture, Real Estate |
The art of making property appear attractive. Often involves panoramic photography. |
Artistic |
Photography in which creative composition is the goal. |
Astrophotography |
Space photography, through a telescope. |
Aura |
A controversial type of photography which some claim can photograph a person's aura. |
Black & White |
Not simply photography without colour, black and white photography explores shapes, tones and textures. Shadows and highlights become much more important. |
Camera Phone |
"Convenience" photography using a mobile phone's built-in camera. While not the best quality, camera phones have opened a new world of spontaneous, on-the-spot photo opportunities. |
Commercial |
Product shots, advertising, etc. |
Digiscoping |
Photography through a telescope or binoculars. |
Documentary |
Journalism, Events, Historical, Political, etc. |
Event |
Concerts, Parties, Festivals, etc. |
Forensic |
Police and legal photography. |
Infrared |
Photography in which the recording medium is sensitive to infrared light rather than the normal visible light spectrum. |
Large Format |
For use on posters, billboards, etc. |
Kirlian |
A type of contact print photography in which an object touching a photographic plate is connected to a high voltage source, creating an aura-like image. Often confused with aura photography. |
Macro |
The art of photographing very small and/or close-up objects. |
Medical |
Specialized photography for clinical purposes, i.e. to help reveal and diagnose illness. |
Microscopic |
Any technique for photographing objects too small to be visible to humans. |
Modeling |
Photographing objects to be converted into 3D models. |
Nature |
Landscapes, animals, plants, sea, etc. |
Night |
Any technique used to capture images at night. Often includes infrared photography. |
Panoramic |
Views of wide areas, up to complete 360° panoramas. |
Paranormal |
Ghosts, unexplained phenomena, etc. |
People |
Candid, Family, Fashion, Glamour, Passports & Visas, Portrait, Pregnancy, School, Sports, Wedding |
Pinhole |
Uses the most basic type of camera possible — a box with a tiny hole to let light in. |
Scenic |
Landscape, Cityscape |
Satellite |
Views of Earth from orbit. |
Scientific |
Any specialized photography used for scientific endeavour, e.g. electron microscopy photographs, medical photography, astrophotography, etc. |
Sports |
The specialized art of shooting people engaged in sports, games and adventure activities. |
Stereoscopic (3-D) |
Involves taking two photos simultaneously to simulate 3-D vision. |
Stock |
Photographs taken for distribution to other people, for use in their projects. These photos tend to be quite generic, e.g. people working, landscapes, places, etc. |
Travel |
Photography to showcase locations, illustrate travel literature, etc. |
Ultraviolet |
Photography in which the recording medium is sensitive to ultraviolet light rather than the normal visible light spectrum. |
Underwater |
Any type of photography taken under water with a water-tight camera housing. |
Urban, Industrial |
Emphasizing urban environments. |
Time-lapse |
Photographs with a very long exposure, used to illustrate something happening over time. A popular example is a street at night with car lights blurred into long lines. |
webpage: http://www.mediacollege.com/photography/types/
Famous Photographers:
Anne Geddes
- Anne Geddes was born and raised in Queensland, Australia
- Is mainly known for taking pictures of babies
- Anne has inspired many people
- Her work was, and still is admired by many people today
- Sells, clothes, calendars, and more with her photos
- http://specialthoughts.ca/Anne6.html
- http://www.eboniorchid.com/Images/Contests/Colorbar_Elite/AnneGeddes/AnneGeddes_Wallpaper05.jpg
Art Wolfe
- Was born in 1951
- Has traveled all over the continents
- Has been on mountain ranges for pictures
- He says he became addicted to photography
- Mostly has wildlife photos
- http://www.artwolfe.com/artwolfe/about.html
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/suburbansafari/images/gallery-penguin-lrg.jpg
- http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/81/61181-004-444C8C13.jpg
- http://www.microsoft.com/prophoto/images/icons/travelstotheedge/gallery/102/Ep102_7.jpg
Using Light and Contrast to enhance images(over and under exposure):
I did this on my own with basic exposure editing tools:
#1 #2 #3
Image #2 has equal light and contrast(properly exposed). Image #3 has equal contrast,
but more light(over exposed). Image #1 has less light than all three images, but has the
most contrast of all the images(under exposed).
Most digital cameras have modes and adjustments for light. That includes flash. If it's a sunny day outside, and you want to take pictures outdoors, flash might not be necessary, unless in a darker area. But if there is not light, you can turn on the flash to enhance the images. But if you don't, or forget to change settings on your camera, you can probably edit it on your computer. There are simple editing stations on almost all computer devices. Like red eye removal, cropping images, adjusting color, and fixing under and over exposured images. And if you don't have those, you could probably purchase a program from a store, even like Wal-Mart. These can renew and enhance your images a thousand times more. I would highly recommend to use those:)
Interview with an Expert
Contact an expert and conduct an interview. Do the interview with
- video (using a video conferencing tool), OR
- audio (to make a podcast), OR
- an email or im transcript.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (21)
Mrs. D said
at 11:16 am on Oct 2, 2008
I LOVE the colors of your wordle, Nat.
nataliel said
at 9:26 am on Oct 10, 2008
calieghc said
at 6:34 pm on Oct 22, 2008
Natalie it is 8:34 p.m. and u r on at the same time as me!! answer me rite now and we can like talk
!!! yay!!
calieghc said
at 6:38 pm on Oct 22, 2008
Natalie!! Answer me!!
Mrs. D said
at 6:45 pm on Oct 22, 2008
I put the gabby thing up on the front page
nataliel said
at 7:13 pm on Oct 22, 2008
nataliel said
at 7:13 pm on Oct 22, 2008
i finally finished my animoto
Mrs. D said
at 1:36 pm on Oct 25, 2008
I can't wait for you to upload your animoto with all of your photos- you should be proud. YOu should have a page that says all photos taken by you.
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 7:31 am on Oct 26, 2008
Natalie - I LOVE your photographs (you are a very good photographer) and I love your Animoto. You should be proud of yourself! I actually included it as the first example of an Animoto on our other website - http://weewebwonders.synthasite.com/animato.php.
maclaynj said
at 6:39 am on Oct 30, 2008
Your photos are so amazingggggggg! It looks like a pro did it!
nataliel said
at 2:04 pm on Oct 30, 2008
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 5:27 pm on Oct 30, 2008
Your webpage is such a treat - I love the visual arts! You are doing a great job between balancing the images and providing valuable information about photography.
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 5:28 pm on Oct 30, 2008
PS- do you know how to make your links "active". You need to use the world with the link icon to do so.
calieghc said
at 6:00 pm on Oct 30, 2008
Wow natalie...that wa REALLY good!! and also thanx about the comment!
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 4:35 pm on Oct 31, 2008
Natalie - all the terms you included in your Wordle are fantastic. I ended up taking a screenshot with Jing - Have you used Jing? I find it a great tool for screenshots and video (and it is free!). Your Wordle looks fantastic on your page.
nataliel said
at 5:17 pm on Oct 31, 2008
thanks so much:)
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 6:34 pm on Oct 31, 2008
No problem - this is a great page!
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 1:41 pm on Nov 1, 2008
I like the piece you added about the different exposures with examples! FYI - I'd love to hear your voice in the Voki. You can record via your cell phone. That's what my students did.
Burcu Gürbüz said
at 7:21 am on Nov 19, 2008
I like photograps.They are very interesting...
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 12:34 pm on Apr 27, 2009
I love the opening shot with you dog(s)
Rachel said
at 12:13 pm on Sep 14, 2009
I really like the picture of the dog at the top of this page. I also like all the info about photography.
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