
Food Industry

Page history last edited by lexi 14 years, 1 month ago


      A little backround info on myself before you read my research and so you know why I believe this project is important. Im currently a middle school student, also a babysitter for both kids and pets. Im in advanced classes at school, in the astronomy and chess club. Yes, I am a major nerd except Im awesome ;). I love to read and write, I also love my yorkie, Chico, and chocolate and candy. I wish I could eat it more but read on and you'll see why you, or I, should not eat so much sugar. My oarents are divorced so I come from two families with very different eating habits. At my dad's I have two stepsisters and a younger half sister. At my mom's I have an older brother who's already moved out and a younger half sister. My love for reading is what drove me to this project. I was at the library when I saw a book called Food Inc. After I read it I was shocked at what I found out about the food industry and the U.S. eating habits. Why must we worry about our eating habits and what kind of food is sold to us? I did my reasearch and was absolutely disgusted at what I found out. Read on to find out what I did and why we must switch to organic and eat better.   




                                                                        Yahoo! Avatars

                          An Avatar so you have an idea of what I look like except Im less older looking.


Obesity Statistics In U.S.

    -58 Million Overweight; 40 Million Obese; 3 Million morbidly Obese

    -Eight out of 10 over 25's Overweight

    -78% of American's not meeting basic activity level recommendations

    -25% completely Sedentary


  The evidence is mounting that the obesity crisis is not just the result of a lack of personal responsibility—the processed food industry’s practices may be just as much, if not more, to blame. No way!, say many of us; we just need to watch what we eat and exercise more. It seems it’s not that simple. Two new studies conclude that the food industry is following the tobacco industry’s play book to ensure that we keep loading up on calories, and as a result of most of the weight gain in the U.S. over the last 30 years can be attributed to eating more, not moving less.



 Notice: not much info is on this page yet. Because of schoolwork i dont have as much time to research but I will when I can. Check later for more! 


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